Everyone has a history

…and I am going to tell you mine.

Is it interesting? I think so, but that is for you to judge, if you listen to it and keep going –or not.

It involves a formal education, years in the corporate world (not going to talk about these), changing careers, becoming a freelancer, then a digital nomad, moving from Brasil to Italia, and who knows what else?

What is different from any other history? Probably nothing, but I want to tell it, so let’s see:

I am an immigrant in Italy that did NOT fell in love with an Italian man and moved here, my love is for Italy itself – that is different.

I am someone that changed careers not because I was not happy in my career path (maybe I was, but that is another tale), I changed because I lost my job – that is different.

I made all this changes and moves not when I was young and thriving, but after I was 40 (for the career change), and after I was 50 (for the immigration).

So, if any of this interest you, stick around, I will tell my history. Everyone has a history.

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